
I’d been meaning to write a new blog post for some time, but kept putting it off till I was “in the mood” to get into it. 唉,差不多一个月过去了,我还是没有找到那种心情. 最重要的是,你是否在等待进入正确的情绪来完成任何事情, you’ll most likely not get much done. 拖延症是阻碍我们起床的主要障碍之一, doing the necessary, making the right decisions, and living the dream life we want. 最近的研究表明,比起已经做过的事情,人们更后悔没有做过的事情. Also, 因为错过了机会而产生的遗憾和内疚感往往会伴随人们更长的时间. So stop waiting to be in the right mood, stop waiting to finish that certification, stop waiting till the time is right…and just start doing. #somedayistoday

有时候,我们所有的机会似乎触手可及,但我们却似乎够不着. 当你拖延的时候,你浪费了本可以投资在有意义的事情上的时间. Time wasted amounts to lost opportunities, which is very costly. If you can overcome this fierce urge, you will be able to accomplish more and in doing so, better utilize the potential that your talent has to offer. 我们现在知道,今天的世界有利于拖延和学习如何克服它, therefore, one of the most important skills you can understand. 下面是我们每天用来克服拖延症的三个工具:


Have inspired goals. 很多时候,我们发现自己在追逐不属于我们的梦想和抱负. We want to get that next promotion…because someone else got it. 我们想要一个更大的房子,因为我们想要跟上琼斯一家的步伐. While there is nothing wrong with these goals, it’s important to assess whether you want them for you, or for others. How inspired are the goals you’re currently tackling? Do they fit into the bigger picture of the life you want to live? Or do they stand out like a sore thumb? 确保你把精力花在你真正想要的事情上是很重要的. 灵感在让我们对我们正在努力的活动和目标保持兴奋方面起着重要作用. 每当你遇到困难时,你必须鼓起勇气把自己推过去. For instance, if you are trying to lose weight, 每一次吃什么东西的决定都是一场斗争. 你可能会说这是最后一次,或者我明天应该在健身房加倍锻炼. You have to find yourself worthy to stand against it and fight. 灵感通过让我们超越平凡的经历和局限,唤醒我们新的可能性. 灵感推动一个人从冷漠到有潜力,并改变我们看待自己能力的方式. If you’re struggling to find the passion to tackle your goals, make sure they are indeed “inspired” goals to start with.


在让我们从无为走向行动的过程中,动机扮演了什么角色? Motivation is a general desire and/or willingness to do something. Not much gets done without motivation. As such, motivation is a crucial, almost magical, 激励我们为自己和目标而奋斗的要素. 然而,我们大多数人都知道,我们很容易从有动力变成没有动力. 重要的是要明白,动机实际上是一种消耗资源. What that means is at any given point, 你只有一定的动力去完成工作. That being the case, 有策略地分配你的动力是很重要的,以确保你把它放在最能推动你实现目标的事情上. 动机的好处是,虽然它可能是一种消耗资源, the more you use it towards accomplishing the goals that matter, 你就越有动力去完成任务清单上的更多项目. 所以,即使你没有动力或没有资源(精神上), physically, financially, 在精神上)冲破你在前进的道路上可能遇到的任何障碍, 操纵这个系统的一个方法是把你的精力集中在最能激发灵感的事情上, 或者是对完成其他任务至关重要的事情. 如果你有足够的精力去完成那些鼓舞人心的活动,那么你就有可能成功, 你会有更多的动力去做其他的事情. When you find yourself struggling to work done, focus your energy on the most inspired activities first, and watch your motivation tank miraculously refill itself.


Lastly, consider working on multiple projects at a time. 同时处理多个项目可以帮助克服一个项目可能带来的精神疲劳. 我知道这违背了一次只专注于完成一件事的建议, but it’s worked for me. We are all wired differently, 你必须做最适合你的事情,而不是传统智慧所指示的. I’ve found that when I get bored with one thing, 我可以简单地把注意力转移到我的清单上的其他事情上,以保持效率,而不需要太多的努力. 这种转变给我带来了新风,补充了我继续工作的动力, 而不是浪费时间刷Instagram或做一些同样没有效率的事情.  这里的关键是想想你正在努力实现的最鼓舞人心的目标, and having them at the forefront of your mind, so that you can easily shift between them on a daily basis. When you’re not focused entirely on just one thing, 你减轻了自己的压力,也减轻了这件事的潜在后果, and simply do. 你也给了自己很多机会,在一天中通过一次处理不同的项目来获得几个“胜利”. After all, “不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”这句格言一直经得起时间的考验,这是有原因的.

In conclusion, 当你发现自己有一个没完没了的待办事项清单和越来越多的借口,为什么你可以把事情搁置一天, consider leveraging inspiration, motivation, and diversification to effectively slay the procrastination dragon.

Join our Someday is Today community on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook! 此外,如果您在博拉有大胆的小企业咨询需求,请足球外围最靠谱的平台.Audena@mbagrowthpartners.com

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